
Cyamus 2022 (redirected from Cyamus 2020)

Page history last edited by mary.markland@oregonstate.edu 2 years, 9 months ago

Cyamus 2023 Important Message:

We regret to announce that the Cyamus 2020 meeting has been cancelled. We are planning to meet again in 2023 with a similar plan to the 2020 plans listed here.




Welcome to Cyamus 2023!


Watch for new dates coming later in 2021!  It will still be at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in the Monterey Bay region of the central California coast!


Find out about: Cyamus | Program | Contributed Presentations & Posters | Code of Conduct | Attendees | Packing List | Transportation | Lodging | Field Trips | Registration | Call for Proposals | Grants

We hope you can join us for a lively and informative meeting in a beautiful setting! Meeting sessions and events will be held at Hopkins Marine Station, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, and (hopefully) the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Stay tuned for a more detailed program.


Image Source: MLML 

Thank you to our sponsors for their generous support!   




Questions? Contact Us: Katie Lage (Moss Landing Marine Labs/MBARI) and Amanda Whitmire (Hopkins Marine Station)

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